- Östersund.se
- / Andra språk
- / English (Engelska)
- / Politics and the municipality
- / Contact us
Contact us
You are welcome to contact Östersunds kommun by visiting, calling or writing to us. When you contact us, you will be directed to our customer service. Our customer service is called Kundcenter.
The people who work at Kundcenter are called kommunvägledare (municipal advisors). They can provide assistance and answer questions within most areas for which the city is responsible.
Visiting us
Kundcenter is located at Rådhusgatan 21. The entrance is located in the courtyard at the southern end of the City Hall and it is accessible. At the entrance there is also a disabled parking space with entrance from Rådhusgatan.
At Kundcenter you can get help to complete forms, find information and find answers to common questions.
You may also borrow a computer to search for information or to use our electronic services.
Visiting address
Rådhusgatan 21 in Östersund.
Nearest bus stop is:
- "Östersund Bus Station"
- "Östersunds centrum"
- "Kyrkparken, Östersund"
Opening hours for visitors
Monday 20/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Tuesday 21/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Wednesday 22/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Thursday 23/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Friday 24/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Saturday 25/01
Sunday 26/01
Our telephone number is 063-14 30 00.
When you call us you will hear a voice reading out information in Swedish. If you press 8 you will hear the information read in English. The voice asks you to press a button depending on what you want to ask about.
If you don't know which button is right for your question you can wait. You are then put through to the first kommunvägledare to become available.
The five numbers you can choose are:
- ”Socialt stöd och omsorg” – Questions that concern, for example, care of the elderly or the disabled, social assistance (försörjningsstöd), or other questions that concern social support and care.
- ”Skola, förskola och vuxenutbildning” – Questions about school, preschool, recreational activities or adult education and SFI.
- ”Fastigheter, byggande, gator och miljö” – Questions about construction, streets and traffic, water and drainage or environmental issues.
- ”Kultur, fritid, anställning, politik och inflyttarfrågor” – Questions concerning moving to Östersund, job vacancies, policies or cultural and recreational issues.
- ”Företag” – choose this if you have a business or if you have questions about trade and industry.
Opening hours för telephone
Monday 20/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Tuesday 21/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Wednesday 22/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Thursday 23/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Friday 24/01
8:00 AM–4:00 PM
Saturday 25/01
Sunday 26/01
You can write to us in three ways, via e-mail, letter or a form on our website.
When writing to us it is good if you can clearly describe what you want to know or want to say to us. If your question concerns a school, you should state which school, if it concerns something that has happened or similar, then it is good if you state where and when.
If you would like us to respond to you, you should also state how we can reach you.
If you wish you may remain anonymous.
Writing an e-mail to Östersunds kommun
If you want to send an e-mail to us, write to the address kundcenter@ostersund.se. For sensitive data, please use our contact form below.
Writing to Östersunds kommun using contact form
You can write to us by filling out our contact form. There you have the option to attach files and mark a location on the map to which the case applies.
Writing a letter to Östersunds kommun
If you want to send an ordinary letter to us, you should send it to this address:
Östersunds kommun
831 82 Östersund
You can also take your letter to Kundcenter at Österängen. If you want to leave a letter with us when Kundcenter is closed, you can put it in our mailbox.
Writing to us via our website
You can write directly to us via our contact form. You can also append files or highlight something on a map in the contact form if you wish.
If it is an evening or weekend and you have an urgent matter that cannot wait until Kundcenter opens, there are various helplines you can call. There are different telephone numbers for different things.
Water and drainage
Call 063-14 37 00 if you have a water leak or if your water has frozen or is discoloured.
Children or young people who are suffering abuse, violence in close relationships or addicts who need acute help
Call the police (114 14) or SOS Alarm (112) if it is so urgent that you cannot wait until the next weekday to obtain help.
Problems in one of the municipality's buildings
Call 063-14 32 21 to report acute problems in a building owned by the municipality.
If you live in one of Östersundshem's buildings and are experiencing problems, you should contact Östersundshem's helpline.
Care staff – home help service and special housing
Home help service
If you want to contact staff in one of our home help teams, you can call the direct number to their workplaces (in Swedish). You can call until 10 PM.
If you or your relative have a security alarm, you can also call at night. Then you contact the home service's night patrol (in Swedish).
Special housing
You can call staff at the municipality's special housing around the clock. You will find phone numbers directly on the page where the respective housing is presented.